2nd Annual Global Trade Management Forum

November 17, 2014 - Houston DE

Hanson Wade

Phone:020 3141 8700

hilst every oil and gas business acknowledges the importance of trade compliance, many also view compliance as being defined by what can’t be done rather than what can. We know that trade compliance at it’s best is really trade management – managing opportunity as well as risk, demonstrating the impact of what we do and adding real business value. However, with so many functions competing for management attention, it’s clear that trade compliance needs to work smarter to deliver results, and ultimately get the attention, investment – and recognition – it deserves. That’s where the 2nd Annual Global Trade Management Forum comes in. We've worked closely with oil and gas trade management leaders to develop a forum for those who strive to do more to add value to the wider business. A forum which addresses trade management as a value-add rather than just a support function or cost center. This is that conference, and it’s been designed as a platform for those who are passionate about delivering profitable and efficient, as well as compliant global trade.

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