Petroleum Geology of East Africa

April 21, 2015 - London UK

Finding Petroleum
Phone:0208 432 3313

The course reviews the key regional controls on petroleum systems and prospectivity across East Africa, assessing both the recent discoveries and the numerous frontier basins in the region. It emphasises the impact of the tectonic history of this most active part of the African plate on the generation and preservation of petroleum, thus illustrating key regional variations in prospectivity across basins of different age and burial/uplift history. Discussions are centred on palaeogeographic maps, chronostrat diagrams and play cross-sections across the region, all of which are provided in digital form, while learnings are reinforced by short exercises. About Your Trainer Dr Duncan Macgregor is a well know author and presenter on regional African petroleum geology. He has worked in numerous consultancy and employment roles on African exploration for over 20 years for a number of major and independent companies, building up a unrivalled knowledge on basins across the continent. He has published over 20 papers and has been the Technical Director of the PESGB Africa Conference for the last 10 years. He currently runs his own consultancy specialising in African advice and training in addition Neftex Petroleum Consultants.

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