Article | July 12, 2023

ABB's 'Factory On The Lake': Mariafrancesca Madrigrano On Innovation, Sustainability, And Inclusion 


Meet Mariafrancesca Madrigrano, who has managed the ABB Measurement & Analytics factory on Lake Como, Italy since 2019. In addition to focusing on innovation and sustainability, recently, she won ABB’s Ally of the Year award for her work in support of LGBTQ+ rights at the factory.

The award was presented at the corporate closing event of Pride Month to celebrate the efforts of individuals who drive inclusion at ABB in their respective workplaces. The selection was based on impact, visibility, and the number of votes received during the nomination process. 

“Workplace discrimination is still a significant challenge for many LGBTQ+ workers. I’m aware there’s still a long way to go and therefore I am a dedicated ally to the LGBTQ+ community in my private life and as a manager at ABB,” said Mariafrancesca Madrigrano. 

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ABB Measurement & Analytics