News | October 13, 2011

GreenHunter Water Adds RAMCAT To Its Total Water Management Solutions Platform

RAMCAT by GreenHunter Water delivers a cradle-to-grave produced water custody tracking solution, combining precise measurement of tank water, withdrawals, transportation and delivery with integrated GPS route verification

GreenHunter Water, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of GreenHunter Energy, Inc., announced recently to the oil and gas industry, the availability of its patent-pending RAMCAT cradle-to-grave produced water custody tracking solution with integrated GPS route verification and reporting. RAMCAT is currently being offered exclusively by GreenHunter Water to oil and natural gas operators in the Marcellus Shale in Appalachia and the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas.

Integrated Technology Bundle for Well Head Fluid Management
RAMCAT (Remote Access Monitoring Compliance Asset Tracking) by GreenHunter Water is a cutting-edge well head management system and compliance tool that bundles a unique combination of proprietary software, advanced hardware and industry-standard communications technologies to provide a very powerful, effective, and user-friendly method for remote activity observation via a web-based portal for management of well-head fluids. RAMCAT includes online data monitoring which provides oil and natural gas producers real-time dynamic information on fluid levels, tank temperature, recent transactions, date and time of on-load and off-load, truck and driver identification, H2S and critical condition alarms, battery voltage, and more. The RAMCAT system enables closed-loop accountability of all well-head produced water and offers best-in-class environmental and regulatory compliance. Further, RAMCAT has the capability to monitor any type of fluid storage including above ground impoundments, temporary tanks, and fresh water storage ponds.

Hands-off Tank Level Measurement Improves Field Safety
RAMCAT incorporates a dual-float tank level sensor, an H2S sensor, other sensors and an automated valve on each oil-field tank powered by a solar-module with battery back-up. A key-code enabled kiosk contains an embedded computer, an RFID reader and a communications module. RAMCAT constantly monitors important tank attributes and automatically sends data streams to a cloud-based server at predetermined intervals. User-defined tank level and environmental alerts and security algorithms can be pre-set and customized by operators to automatically generate and send emails or SMS messages and alarms to key field personnel and oversight managers. RAMCAT providers safety in the field by eliminating manual tank level measurement and the inherent dangers associated with climbing ladders and opening tank caps which can be hazardous. By accurately measuring tank levels both before and after the pickup event, RAMCAT can calculate the amount of fluid removed from tanks more accurately than flow meters which are prone to variance when measuring produced water.

Automated Valves Reduce Theft and Cradle-to-Grave Audit Trail Satisfies New Regulatory Reporting Requirements
The automated valve is a key feature that oil and gas producers have requested to reduce accidental removal of and theft of valuable condensate "drip" gas produced alongside formation water. Even if the automated valve is by-passed, resulting in the unauthorized removal of fluids or drawdown of condensate, RAMCAT's accurate tank level measurement equipment and communications module will notify operators and service providers of the exceptional event.

RAMCAT integrates GPS tracking of all water haulers and generates cradle-to-grave audit trails that include the volume of water transported, the route traveled by the hauler, including distance and time, and the total volume of water disposed. This reporting system verifies that no produced water in the RAMCAT management network was disposed of in an unlicensed facility, verifies that specific haulers were adhering to traffic and road use laws and provides the producer with verification of the actual hauling time invoiced. RAMCAT also has the ability to acquire data from a variety of equipment currently utilized in the oil field by using industry standard MODBUS communications. This backward and forward compatibility allows oil and gas producers to improve well site intelligence while also providing a clear path for integration to expand the product to meet both current and future regulatory compliance requirements.

Management Quote
Commenting on today's announcement, Jonathan D. Hoopes, President and COO of GreenHunter Water, LLC, said, "GreenHunter continues to expand our business lines within the clean water industry as it relates to oilfield use. Our existing and prospective customers continue to stress their desire for Total Water Management Solutions that can not only improve safety for personnel in the field, but also satisfy compliance with current and anticipated water tracking and reporting regulatory requirements in each state. RAMCAT by GreenHunter Water was specifically tailored to provide immediate access to relevant data in a user friendly manner. RAMCAT's reporting capabilities are designed to provide information based on the unique needs of the end user as defined by discussions with and feedback from regulators, operators and their service providers. The RAMCAT platform will help to ensure consistency and auditability while supporting productivity and personalized workflows for our oil and gas customers."

For more information, visit

SOUCE: GreenHunter Energy, Inc.