Practical Project Management for Offshore Decommissioning Training

October 22 - 24, 2014 - Perth SK

Fleming Europe
Phone:00 421 257 272 155

This 3 days training course will provide the delegate with a comprehensive understanding of the key aspects of decommissioning. The course will be delivered by Ian Prince who is a recognized expert in the field of decommissioning. KEY TOPICS ✔ The key components of decommissioning ✔ The North Sea lessons learnt ✔ Regulatory issues ✔ Decommissioning strategies ✔ End of field life ✔ Phasing and timing of decommissioning ✔ Challenges and identification of key risks ✔ Cessation of production ✔ Well abandonment ✔ Offshore preparatory work ✔ Sub-sea ✔ Removal and disposal of the offshore facility ✔ High level cost estimate and schedule for a typical field

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